Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Perfect Day

Yesterday was perfect.
The weather was cooler, Fall is approaching.

I opened all the windows and lit my "leaves" candle from bath and body.
I cleaned the house and washed the sheets (and my ocd made an appearance as I also cleaned the inside of the washing machine...anyone else do this? didn't think so...).
After Bryan got home, we cooked supper on the grill.
We snuggled on the couch and watched a movie.

For the first time in awhile, I was perfectly content. Happy.
Everything I have been worrying about lately didn't matter.
I'm ready for Fall. A new season and a better, more relaxed oulook on life. I want to take the time to enjoy life. Appreciate the little things. Make happy memories.

~Enjoy your long weekend, I know I will!~

p.s. Thank you all for your loving words of encouragement on my unrealistic expectations post. I loved reading your beautiful words. You girls are the best!

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