Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Beautiful, Semi-Productive Day

Good morning ladies! I hope your week is going great!
Yesterday, I had a to-do list a mile long. I didn't get everything done I wanted/needed to...but it was a beautiful day!

My morning was started by meeting my best friend to work out. We tend to do more talking than actual working out...but hey, it's something, right? I'm hoping the new tennis shoes I finally broke down and bought this past weekend will encourage me to exercise more ;) If nothing else, at least I felt cute at the gym! Afterwards, we walked to a little coffee shop downtown for breakfast...and talked some more!

Then I ran some errands, bought a few last minute items for our trip, and stopped by my aunt's house to drop off the stamps she had let me borrow to make our wish tree tags.  

After I made it back home, I started working on the chair/desk that has been sadly sitting in the basement, waiting for some love, for the last year.

Before: It's hard to tell here, but this chair was completely covered in old dirty gunk. I'm pretty sure I have carpal tunnel in my hand and my entire arm aches from sanding all of that off!


I printed off a "5", traced it onto stencil paper, and cut it out. Then I traced it onto the chair with pencil and filled it in by hand with black paint. I actually used a cheap eyeshadow brush with a slanted edge...hey, whatever works!

After: Here is the finished product! I'm not sure why the stain looks so light in this picture, but in person it's a little darker. I love it! And am proud of myself for doing it on my own!

Now, I think a french ticking throw pillow would finish it off nicely!

~Have a lovely Thursday!~

P.S. I went to visit my fiance at work last night and was telling him about my mad number painting skills ;) and he said, "I want to see might actually look cool."
I knew he would come around :)

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