Monday, June 7, 2010


The sun is shining.
I want to thank each of you for your kind, encouraging comments!
It honestly made me feel a million times better to hear your stories and advice. I'm one of those high strung, "type A" personalities...with a touch...ok, a lot...of obsessive compulsiveness in me. It's hard for me to relax and just let things be. I'm working on that.
I know that God is in control and has a bigger, better plan for my life than I could ever imagine.
One of my favorite quotes is "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans".
It's so true.
I don't know exactly where I'm going...and that's ok. Half the fun is figuring it out! Thank you all for reminding me of that ;)
On another note...I am beyond frustrated with blogger!
It started yesterday. I could look at blogs, but couldn't do anything with mine! An error message saying that blogger was down kept popping up. The same thing happened most of today.
Finally around 2:00 today, I could log in to my blog, but I couldn't look at the comments or publish anything. And on top of that, the format was completely different. High tech stuff! I mean there was a link to check the stats of your blog and see "referring" blogs. It was very strange!
So, after I was able to publish your lovely comments, some of them posted two or three times! And then, all of a sudden, they were all gone! I about wanted to cry! Thankfully I read them all...but I still wanted them to look back on! Who knows where they are...for all I know, they might show up tomorrow! Did any of you have the same problems with blogger? Apparently it was just happening in some parts of the country. Whatever it was, hopefully it doesn't happen again!

~I hope your Monday was beautiful!~

{photo from: here}

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