Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Best Friend

This is Elly.
 {We're dressed up for the Halloween party we had last weekend. Isn't her costume soo cute?! She made it, along with the help of her mom. Super creative, huh? And I'm a flapper, if you couldn't tell }
We have been best friends since middle school.
 We met at dance class. I was jealous of her pretty blonde hair and blue eyes. We were in the same classes and had a break in between where we had to wait in the lobby together. Each week we would awkwardly sit in that lobby, waiting for the other person to say something.
That's when I knew we would be best friends.
 We are both socially awkward, shy, worry incessantly, hopeless romantics, and dreamers.
In school, people would constantly mix us up and call us by the other's name. I'm still sure they didn't know one of us from the other.
We've been through crushes, first dances, first loves, heartbreaks, and now sharing the excitement of one of us getting married.
Summers hold the best memories...of living at each others house, lounging around all day and then getting all gussied up at night, even though we had nowhere to go.
There was a time in high school where we didn't talk as much. She had a boyfriend that took up all her time and Bryan and I started dating. Even then, I considered her my best friend. We could have gone years without speaking to each other and I would have still called her my best friend.
Now, as I have moved into my own house and am getting married soon, we're still attached at the hip. Because really, who else is as weird as I am?
Only Elly ;)

~Have a good day girls! xo

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