Friday, October 22, 2010

Where Do You Picture Yourself?

Happy Friday girls! How has your week been?

Today, I had a job interview. I wasn't really planning on saying anything, but here I am. On a whim a few weeks ago, I sent in my resume for an opening I found online. It was a surprise when I got a call earlier in the week to come in for an interview. The position is at a medical lab and not at all what I expected, but quite interesting. I walked out of there feeling...overwhelmed. The woman interviewing me had a page full of questions for me. I would answer and she would jot down notes. On more than one question, my mind went completely blank. I sat there staring at her, hoping that time was standing still so I would not look like an idiot. My brain and my mouth were not on the same page.

You want to know the biggest accomplishment I hope to achieve? Hmm...You want to know where I see myself in five years? Hmm...
You know what I told her? In five years, I see myself married with kids. I threw in "and having a job that I love", because, ya know, it was a job interview and all. She kind of laughed when I said this.
But really, the biggest accomplishment I want to achieve is being a wonderful wife and mother. In five years, I will be 26. By then, I hope Bryan and I have our house in the country, with a barn, a tire swing out back, and two little kids running around barefoot. I will be there to cook all their meals and rock them to sleep at nap time.
That's my dream. Plain and simple.
But I couldn't really say that.

I want to be happy. I want to live my dream. I'm just confused about a job.  I don't want a job that will make me feel bad about wanting to be a wife and mother. I am not one of those "career driven" people. The only reason I want to work is to make money to LIVE. The living part is what's important to me. It's hard to match up what I imagine and dream of my life to be with the reality of it.
Sometimes, I wish I weren't so much of a dreamer and romantic...But I guess that's what makes me, me. If I find the right job will it feel right? Or will I continue to only dream?

~Have a great weekend xo

{ house: here, apple orchard: here }

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